Tuesday, November 16, 2010

22 Days and Change

I know, I know. It's been awhile, but the working world has taken over by storm and I've had little time to keep up with healthy habits let alone blog about them.  After a much needed weekend getaway with some friends, however, I realized it's time to jump back on the train and get motivated. My friends and I spent the weekend in a rather gluttonous fashion, drinking heavily and eating out every meal in a weekend-long birthday celebration.  On Sunday evening, feeling rather sluggish, we though it was high time to get our butts in gear and hop back on the hot-body train, especially with the holidays right around the corner (read: inevitable weight gain with turkey and stuffing and then holiday cookies and candies and parties).  After all, we still have about a month until holiday parties are in full swing, so why not start now instead of waiting for the morning of January 2nd, where you wake up and have an "oh shit" moment about how far you let yourself go over the holidays.

Thus, the 22 day challenge and change was born. Although there is little scientific proof or support, it is commonly believed that it takes 21-28 days to form a new habit or break an old one.  Most rehab programs and "step" programs are 21-28 days in length.  But, the maximum is almost triple that.  According to PSYBLOG's article on habits, things become as much of a habit as they'll ever become for the individual around 66 days. In any event, my friends and I have devoted the next 22 days to making exercise a habit in an effort to get healthy before the new year, so that 2011 starts off on the right foot, with "change" already underway, be it mentally, physically, emotionally, or a combination of the three. 

day one
I weighed myself this morning; one word: yikes.  I had no idea I had already put on so much weight since starting my job.  Sitting in an office all day long *definitely* does not help (and neither do all of the yummy food options around my office).  We decided that this first week will be four days of intense workouts and three days of lighter workouts, like taking a stroll or the stairs throughout the day.  Since I failed at getting out of bed this AM to workout, keep your fingers crossed that I'll find some time this afternoon to give myself a half hour to sweat it out. 


  1. Hey Lady, I just realized you kept your blog going. I agree - sitting at a computer all day, especially when there are always office treats around isn't ideal. Hope all is well with you!

  2. Yes! Love to see your blog still alive.

    That weekend WAS rather gluttonous. but the 22 day challenge ( at first until it becomes the 60/66 day challenge?) WILL BE AWESOME

    cant wait to see your hot bod missy
