Monday, August 31, 2009

One Down, Twenty to Go

So, the first day of this 21-day jump start is over and done with, and I think I did fairly well! I didn't get to go grocery shopping until later in the day, so I missed the delicious steak salad opportunity for lunch today, BUT, I'm going to substitute it for one of the days where the magazine recommends having a Lean Cuisine or something because those frozen dinners are AWFUL for you. . . too much sodium. Although I didn't have a chance to workout today, I made up for it lugging all of the groceries up two flights of stairs and frantically cleaning my apartment. :)

For dinner, I successfully made the Firehouse Turkey Chili and, as usually, documented my adventure in cooking, because as most of you know...Lesley in the kitchen = disaster.

I think I did fairly well! I think my creation matches the picture...sorta :) 'A' for effort, right?
Here's what you'll need to recreate this tasty dinner for four.

Firehouse Turkey Chili--serves 4, Prep Time: 10 minutes, Cook Time: 23 minutes

* 1 tablespoon olive oil
* 1 large clove garlic, smashed (i like the garlic in a jar, pre-minced)
* 1/2 cup chopped scallions, divided
* 1/2 pound group turkey
* 2 tablespoons chili powder
* 1- 28 oz. can of crushed tomatoes
* 1- 15 oz. can kidney beans, rinsed and drained
* 1 medium red bell pepper, diced
* 1 cup diced carrot
* 1/2 teaspoon brown sugar
* Pinch of salt

In a large saucepan, heat oil over medium-high heat until hot but not smoking. Toss in garlic and all but 2 tablespoons of the scallions and cook, stirring frequently, for 1 minute.

Add turkey and continue to cook, breaking up meat with a wooden spoon for 2-3 minutes or until browned. Stir in chili powder and cook for 1 minute more.

Add tomatoes, kidney beans, bell pepper, carrot, brown sugar, and salt. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer for 15 minutes.

Divide into 4 bowls and garnish with remaining 2 tablespoons of scallions. Top with nonfat sour cream (I used plain, nonfat Greek Yogurt and it was just as delish!)


Here's the reason why Americans are fat--portion control. The recipe above says it makes four servings. Each serving counts as 1 cup. Per serving, there is 268 calories, 9 grams of fat (27% of calories), 2 grams saturated fat, 17 grams protein, 11 grams of fiber, 6 mg of iron and 789 mg of sodium. Here's the catch, as demonstrated below thru pictures:

Picture A looks like a normal serving size...however, it's double the serving size. The second picture shows a 1-cup measuring scoop in comparison to my lovely Bobby Flay dishes (sidenote: I love his cookware). HOW DISGUSTING. You end up eating more without really noticing it if you don't take the time to measure it out.

The actual serving size (1-cup) in the bowl:

They say portion control plays a huge part! I definitely need to be more conscious about how I'm eating. I have an article somewhere about how to break up your plate...I'll have to find it and share it with all of you.

In the mean time, let's move on to Day 2.

Tomorrow, it's diary time. "The power of the pen is especially helpful in your battle with the scale. Research has shown that a food journal is the number one weight-loss tool. And logging your workouts helps you track the calories you're expending too."

How to use the journal successfully? You have to be 100% honest with yourself. Suzane Farrell, a dietitian in Denver featured in Shape magazine lists three helpful hints.
  1. Track the Details--log the time you ate, food/drink consumed, amount, location, huner level, and emotional state; it's imperative to make new entries immediately; when recording workouts, include the type of activity, duration, and intensity, log sets, reps, and note how you felt afterward. It can become a great reference and source of future motivation.
  2. Stick with it for 21 days--this (a) forms a habit (notice the 21 day theme again) and (b) it helps you hold yourself accountable.
  3. Review the Journal Regularly--pick the same time every week to review your choices; this helps you identify patterns that could be damaging your long term weight-loss goals; Resolve to change the negative patterns.
Another tip for all of you ladies out there. . . schedule regular beauty appointments; it helps keep your confidence high, whether it's religiously touching up your roots every 8 weeks or getting a mani/pedi every two...(You don't have to tell me twice--i'm there!)

Until tomorrow :)


  1. omg you cooked chili!!!! I am terrible at cooking! But also the whole food journal+ portion control+calorie count itself does a world a difference. The summer before I came to college I did that religiously and lost weight and toned up from personal training!!!

    Great job big! very proud and need to follow in your footsteps!

  2. Hi Lesley!
    I don't know WHY you would say that you in the kitchen = disaster. That turkey chili looks absolutely amazing...almost as good as Panera YUMMM ;)

    But wow...although I feel like I hear about portion control all the time, that picture of the 1 serving of chili vs a whole bowl was really surprising. My question is, how much is recommended for one to eat during lunch/dinner? Just because something is measured out as one serving's worth, doesn't mean that should be the entire meal, right? I feel like there are definitely meals where you're supposed to have two servings of something, or three....

    Or maybe that's just the propaganda and the large portions in the restaurants that make you feel that way.

    Regardless, keep up the good work ! :)

  3. So, I've heard varying opinion about what to eat, but I guess the average is 300-400 calories for main meals. So, I guess in the case of the chili, since 1 serving is 268 calories, if all you were eating was the chili, you could have 1.5-2 servings. It just depends on how many calories are in a serving. I'll research it some more and do a post on it soon!

  4. that chili does look awesome... i'm excited to see your cooking skills in action when you make veggie lasagna tonight. and we did a really good work out this morning- i was sweating a ton, and my legs are still shaking!

  5. first of all I am WAY impressed with the fact that your dish is a carbon copy of the one in the picture! Second portions in America are revolting. I believe in a little celebratory over eating once in a while (like thanksgiving i.e. food coma) but it gets a little excessive. When I was in Italy all of the plates were of manageable sized proportion. I really notice now that here in the states they just give you too much. It's a little too decadent and a little too gluttonous and it leaves us all so unhealthy! I like this post and can't wait for more. (also thx for the good argument on mani pedis. I shall show the hubby)

  6. I WANT THE CHILI! My gym makes turkey chilli and i've been dying to try it especially since it's ice cold. Also, really proud of you - keep going! I did pretty well with 500 calorie lunch and dinners and some cereal or greek yogurt in the mornings (with workouts)...

    Keep up the cooking - so impressive! I still do not attempt to spend any time in the kitchen.


  7. that portion control thing is really annoying. its kind of like a trap since if you're cooking for one person, its hard to just make "one portion" esp if the recipe has you making four. and then i just eat the other three portions at once anyway. sigh.
